This is a blog about obtaining materials in Braille, large print, and audio format for Catholic Blind or Visually Impaired Readers.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Saint Francis - from the Library of Congress

Here are some books from the Library of Congress about the great and gentle St. Francis of Assisi. (The URL for the Library of Congress is:

The books I myself have read and liked are the Little Flowers of Assisi, and Francis, the Poor Man of Assisi (both of which I read too long ago to give a book review at the moment). But I've certainly also heard good things of Louis De Wohl. And G.K. Chesterton is one of the greatest English-speaking writers. Deep, but excellent.

The Joyful Beggar, by Louis De Wohl, Tape: RC54405;
The Little Flowers, by St. Francis of Assisi, Braille: BRA13113;
The Wolf of Gubbio, by Michael Bedard, Braille: BRA18868;
Francis, the Poor Man of Assisi, by Tomie De Paolo, (Grades 3-6), Tape: RC21779;
St. Francis of Assisi, by G.K. Chesterton, Tape: RC13594;
St. Francis of Assisi, by G.K. Chesterton, Braille: BRA09718.

If you are a print-reading parent of a visually impaired high school student, you might be interested in a study guide for Chesterton's book about St. Francis of Assisi. There is a guide written by Mrs. Nancy Brown available through her blog at:

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